Passing the ERPM exam

Original Author(s): MCQMED Team

Passing the ERPM exam is essential in order to practice as a medical doctor in Sri Lanka as a foreign graduate.

How do you pass this competitive exam and qualify for provisional registration? How do you rank in the Merit list? What are the pass marks and the requirements? This post will answer all these questions for you 🙂 

Successfully complete Part A of ERPM

To pass Part A of ERPM, which is the Theory Examination, you will have to obtain a minimum of 112.5 of 250 (45%) for :

  • Paper 1 – Medicine 
  • Paper 2 – Paediatrics 
  • Paper 3 – Surgery 
  • Paper 4 – Obstentrics and Gynaecology 
And a 67.5 of 150 in Psychiatry (45%) 
  • Paper 5 – Psychiatry (Child + Adult) 

Successfully complete Part B of ERPM

In Part B : The Clinical Examination, you will have to obtain a minimum of 45 out of 100 (45%) for each station AND score a minimum total mark of 100 out of 200 (50%) for the two stations in each subject. 

  • Medicine 
  • Paediatrics 
  • Surgery
  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology 

Successfully complete Part C of ERPM

In order to pass Part C : The Oral Examination, you will have to score a 50 out of 100 in Emergencies in each of the Medical and Surgical Tracks. 

Successfully complete Part D of ERPM

To pass the final stage of the ERPM examination, you will have to score a pass mark of 67.5 of 150 marks for  each paper. 

  • Paper 6 – Community medicine 
  • Paper 7 – Forensics Medicine 

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